About Us


Cambodia Human Rights Task Forces (CHRTF) Background

We are independently monitoring forest and environmental issues, and also monitoring other development crime by peaceful and non-violent ways.

CHRTF and Chairman, Leng Ouch, internationally recognized as Goldman Environmental Prize Wiener in 2016 and an Awardee of Asian Game Changer in 2017.

CHRTF is also supported by Mr. Keo Bun Thea, legal, business and investment program adviser, he had got master degree of law and international human rights law, he had experience for more than 20 years with law, human rights, democracy with United Nation of High Commissioner for Human Rights in several countries.

Mr. Marcus Hardtke, an international forest expert from Germany, experienced more than 2 decades with forest issues is a technical advisor to CHRTF

CHRTF is mainly working to protect the forest, investigation about forest crime, environmental crime, development crime, mining operation and other destruction of natural resources in Cambodia and in Asia

CHRTF is an member and network of many global environment organization,a member network of Global Witness in 2015, network of EIA, Environmental Investigation Agency in 2017-2018, a member of Forest Trends, a member of Global Initiative Against Transitional Organized Crime/ Resilience Funds, a network of the University of Copenhagen, a member of Rain Forest Network, a member of LUSH Handmade Cosmetic in Hong Kong and a member of Bruno Manser Fonds.

In order to enforce law strengthening, we also cooperate with Interpol to take legal action against trans-boundary environment and forest crime organized by powerful mafia.

We engaged the World Leaders to stop any crime against nature in specific stop timber trade agreement if we really committed to save our planet.

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We are the World ! We are the Forest !


Recently has been working and directing by Mr. Leng, OUCH who was assigned by assembly of former CRHTF members which Mr. In Vuthy was former president. Mr. Leng, OUCH has been worked with law, human rights, land, natural resources, environment, climate change, people empowerment and advocacy skill for more than 20 years; he had got bachelor decree of Law in Cambodia and practiced law enforcement since then.

Cambodia Human Rights Task Forces is member of Human Rights International Law Group. In 1993, after years of war and the reign of the Khmer Rouge, United Nations-administered elections led to a new coalition government and a new constitution for Cambodia. But peace and stability proved illusive, as warfare among opposing political forces, including the Khmer Rouge, continued. In 1997, the fragile coalition government was destroyed by a coup d’ etat. While elections followed in 1998, Cambodians are still struggling to strengthen respect for human rights, equal justice and democracy.

Eight years ago, IHRLG began the complicated process of helping this devastated society rebuild itself. To strengthen local civil society groups throughout Cambodia, we created the Cambodian Human Rights Task Force to give activists the necessary skills to monitor violations of human rights and to disseminate their reports throughout Cambodia and to international bodies, such as the United Nations Commission for Human Rights. The Task Force has been locally managed since 1997. Between 1998 and 2000, IHRLG implemented a Civil Society Project to train and partner with seven Cambodian NGOs, three of which focus on the rights of ethnic minorities and others that focus on women’s human rights. One our most notable achievements is the Cambodian Defenders Project (CDP), the first and largest legal service organization in Cambodia, staffed by Cambodian lay people whom we trained as legal human rights defenders who have since become lawyers. http://www.hrlawgroup.org/country_programs/cambodia/

Cambodia Human Rights Task Force is an organization established in the country since 1993 and registered by the Ministry of Interior with permission letter No.684 Sor Chor Nor, dated 11 November 1998 on the creation of a Cambodia Human Rights Task Force. We act to promote human rights in Cambodia for many years, and today this organization will start new project of land and natural resources, climate change, people empowerment through the enjoying of rights in accordance with the law; monitoring of investment projects and other development in Cambodia to ensure the equality between the rich and the poor in the use of land and natural resources , especially to promote sustainable development with sustainability and urge attention to help improve the living standards of people who is owner of the natural resources.

This new project will also be monitoring economic land concession, mining concession, forestry concession, oil and gas investment projects, deforestation activities, transportation activities wood and trafficking rosewood and other luxurious wood; monitoring specifically make intervention to government for treatment with equality in the use of natural resources between the rich and the poor in order to promote reduction from huge size of land that government granted to private companies to the size which is recognized by law; encouraged to removing of the concession rights to any private companies that land still blank out with no development anything, no respect for human rights, persecuted or impacted negatively the livelihood of the people.



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